keeping Organized
Time Management
At times, students will be assigned major projects that will require effective organization over an extended period. Teachers will provide due dates to students well in advance of any major projects. It is an expectation that students organize their workload in a manner that will permit them to simultaneously complete other short-term assignments and also to prepare for assessments.
Grade 11 and 12 students will have study periods in their schedule, while all students will have mentored flexible academic time in their schedules. By making effective use of this time, students can reduce the work required for completion at home and better manage their overall workload.
The completion of homework is each student’s responsibility. Parents should provide the structure, setting and encouragement needed to enable their student to be successful with their school tasks.
Homework Guidelines
WAB strives to assist all students to meet their academic potential. The accomplishment of this goal requires a team approach by students, parents and teachers.
Regular practice, review and completion of assignments at home are necessary, integral aspects of the learning process. By practicing effective time management and by learning the organizational skills required to complete all assignments according to the required deadlines, students prepare themselves for post-secondary studies and for the world of work.
Completing homework in a timely fashion is an educational priority. A regular routine will help students avoid procrastination and develop the time-management and study habits that are vital to success. Students’ parents can help by encouraging their children to schedule homework at regular times and by ensuring minimal distractions.
Homework is a means of reinforcing skills covered in class and can be divided into three different categories:
- Specific homework assigned by the teacher to reinforce and supplement skills taught during classes;
- Homework resulting from work that was not completed during class time, including revising notes, proofreading assignments and rewriting notes as required;
- Regular review of material covered and advanced reading in preparation for upcoming topics.
If teachers do not assign specific homework, then time should be spent reading, writing in a journal or reviewing previously studied material for future tests/exams. By including regular study and advance preparation in the homework routine, students will find themselves better prepared for examinations and eliminate the need for last-minute cramming.
The amount and type of homework will depend upon subjects and grade level. Students in Grades 9 through 12 should expect an average of approximately 20-30 minutes of homework per subject each evening. In total, High School students can therefore expect to spend approximately 80-120 minutes each evening completing school assignments.
Guidance from Teachers
Teachers are expected to:
- Assign work pertaining to concepts that have been covered in class;
- Ensure that homework assignments and due dates are clearly conveyed to students;
- Ensure that summative assessments are entered into the Assessment Calendar found at;
- Monitor homework completion, establish and communicate consequences to students;
- Contact parents when work is consistently incomplete or poorly done.
Late Submissions of Assignments
When assigning projects and homework, teachers give consideration to the amount of time required. They attempt to provide sufficient advance notice to enable students to organize their commitments.
Students who are absent on the day a major assignment is due should make arrangements to have the assignment submitted to the teacher that day. Teachers may require that students attend lunch hour, after school, Day 9, or other make-up sessions until work is complete.
Late Submissions of Grade 11 and 12 Assignments
WAB is required to adhere strictly to the deadlines published by the IB. Deadlines associated with IB assessment tasks are therefore not flexible. Students are advised to plan for early completion of assessment tasks. Internal assessments, Extended Essay, TOK, CAS and other assessment tasks will not be submitted for marking or IB moderation if submitted late and will be awarded a level of “N” (no credit). Courses require submission of all assignments for students to achieve at the highest level and students are therefore advised to pay strict attention to published deadlines. In particular, IB DP students are advised that they are not eligible for an IB Diploma without passing TOK, CAS and Extended Essay requirements.
Examples from the IBO of ‘Unacceptable Reasons for Incomplete Assessment’:
- Misreading or misunderstanding the examination timetable;
- Oversleeping and therefore being late for an examination;
- Holidays/vacation;
- Family moving house;
- Social and sporting commitments;
- Attendance at interviews;
- Participation in events such as competitions and concerts.
If students are unable to complete on time any assessment task which is to be sent away for external moderation or marking, or any major internal assessment, for good reasons (due to accident or illness), then they must apply for an extension in writing to the teacher and the Curriculum Coordinator prior to the submission date.

Textbooks, Resources and Supplies
All subject classes at WAB are highly resourced with up-to-date textbooks, laboratory supplies and materials to enhance teaching and learning. At the start of the year, students are issued textbooks through the library automated cataloguing system. Books are recorded as being issued to individual students. Upon return of the same book, responsibility is erased from the record system. Students will be charged for lost or damaged texts. All accounts including those for lost items must be cleared prior to a transcript being issued at the time of withdrawal.
Mathematics Equipment
All students are required to own, and bring to school, the following equipment:
- A ruler
- A TI-84+ Graphical Display Calculator (available for purchase at the Parent Link outlet in the ES or the HighSchool Resource Room)
Physical Education and Sportswear
Students are required to change into active sportswear for Physical Education classes. At the beginning of the school year, WAB students will be given a PE kit with the basic requirements and will receive more information from their PHE teacher.

Personal Items at School
High School students are permitted to bring personal items to school (including iPads, mobile phones, etc.); however, the following stipulations apply:
- All personal items brought to school must be used appropriately and should only be used in class with teacher permission;
- Mobile phones must not be used during class time and text messaging during classes is forbidden, unless for educational purposes;
- Students who abuse the above privileges may have these items confiscated until the end of the lesson or the school day, or asked to keep personal item(s) at home;
- Students need to look after their possessions and remain security conscious. WAB will not assume responsibility for any loss of students’ personal items.
All students are provided with individual lockers. WAB administration will also keep a key card to each locker. Students should not share lockers. Students are strongly advised to ensure valuables are kept in their locker and that lockers remain locked at all times. Students are also strongly advised to lock their PHE locker during PHE classes. If students must bring something of particular value to school, s/he can give it to the secretary or receptionist at the HS Office for safe keeping for the day.
Bathroom Facilities
A minimal number of separate staff and visitor toilets exist in the HS building. The HUB building currently does not have separate toilets for adults. Shared staff/student toilets in the HS buildings continue to be used, as research into shared washrooms for this age group indicates this results in a reduction of some negative or inappropriate student behaviors. All HS shared student/staff washrooms have individual toilet stalls. Adult visitors are encouraged to use single stall toilets located near the second-floor Languages classrooms outside of Wild Ginger.
Lost Property
All found valuables should be given to High School Reception, or another member of staff immediately after being found. Found clothing will be placed in a storage box on the first or second floor of the High School or near the HUB Gym until claimed. These boxes will be emptied periodically. WAB takes no responsibility for lost or unclaimed goods.

Class Schedule and Block Rotations
The High School timetable operates on a nine-day rotating schedule. Student instruction in each subject is therefore spread evenly across the day. No single subject receives instruction either exclusively in the morning or afternoon, thereby ensuring each student’s optimal learning hours are spread evenly across subjects.
All days contain four instructional periods of 70 minutes. Each day includes a Flex Block of 50 minutes, which is used for Social Emotional Learning, community meetings , flexible academic time, and other educational pursuits. Additionally, each IB DP Higher Level class will have additional lessons to help achieve the extra teaching time required for Higher Level subjects.
Day 9 provides all students opportunities for mentored flexible academic time and, for students taking DP Higher Level courses, further scheduled teaching time.