Keeping Active and Chilling out


After school extracurricular and recreational activities are coordinated by the WABX Department. The HS WABX program seeks to provide a range of interesting activities that promote active and positive lifestyle choices. Activities aim to provide opportunities for development of leadership skills while encouraging students to expand their social group interaction. WAB is a member of ISAC, ACAMIS, JPAC, Tri-Cities and APAC, which provide a wide range of opportunities for different levels of competition as well as opportunities to develop collaborative friendships throughout the Asia-Pacific region. For 2021-2022, travel opportunities will be restricted to within China.

High School students may participate in a range of clubs, sports, arts and other activities taking place before school, at lunchtimes, after school, on weekends and on holidays.

The WABX website gives students and parents up-to-date information on all activities and events and is the first place to look for WABX information (

Adrenalin Fitness Center

The Adrenalin Fitness Center is open after school for student use between 3:30pm and 5:30pm Monday to Friday. A qualified staff member work in the Adrenaline Fitness Center during these times.

To use the Adrenalin Fitness Center outside of the above times, students are required to undergo an induction session with either the HS HPE staff or the Fitness Center staff. Students should be prepared to present their school ID upon request when using the facility on weekends and after 5:30 pm on weekdays.

Participation Guidelines for WABX Activities & Athletics

Involvement in sports teams demands a high degree of commitment. The following guidelines outline the selection process and expectations for students representing WAB.

Team Selections

Students will attend tryout sessions for up to two weeks at the commencement of a new season. At the end of the tryout period for sports teams, the team coaches will select teams, and students will be notified as to their status. Selection to the team will be based on attitude, sportsmanship, participation, and skill level.

Away Events

Students chosen to participate in an away event for one of the school’s member organizations will be required to fund the cost of flights, accommodation and tournament fees. WAB representation at Tri-Cities, ACAMIS, JPAC and APAC away events will be based on:

  • Availability to attend the event;
  • Attendance records at practices and games/performances (minimum of 75% attendanceexpected);
  • Commitment during practices, cooperation and effort
    during the lead-up to the event;
  • Ability and willingness to host visiting students for WAB hosted events (This requirement is on hold for 2021-2022) School citizenship.

WAB Hosted Events

WAB representation at home for Tri-Cities, ACAMIS, JPAC and APAC events will be based on the same qualifications and guidelines.

Student Expectations

WAB representation at home for Tri-Cities, ACAMIS, JPAC and APAC events will be based on the same qualifications and guidelines.Students who attend tryouts and are successful in being selected will be expected to adhere to the following guidelines and expectations: 

WAB representation at home for Tri-Cities, ACAMIS, JPAC and APAC events will be based on the same qualifications and guidelines.

Teachers will alert student’s counselors who are experiencing difficulties with classwork, not reaching their potential, or falling behind with their studies. Teachers leading the event will be made aware of any students with academic concerns and may require students time to miss rehearsal or practices in order to improve their academic standing. Students will remain a member of the team or performance group during this time.

Students who are participating in an away event which will cause them to miss class time will be required to obtain a ‘Notification of Absence’ form from the coordinator of the event and take this to each of their teachers whose classes they will miss.

Students must demonstrate and maintain respectful behavior. Students referred to the Vice Principal or Principal for classroom/school related behavior issues may be excluded from participating in practice sessions, games or performances at the administration’s discretion.

*Internally suspended students will miss practice sessions and games/performances until after the internal suspension is completed.

Class attendance
Students are expected to be in attendance in order to participate in or attend any WABX activity scheduled for that day. This includes athletic events and Arts (Music, Arts, Dance, Drama, and Film) performances such as concerts, and other activities.

In cases of inappropriate behavior, a student may be sent home from events. Parents will be notified as to the reasons for this action and the family will be responsible for all costs associated with the early return of the student. This may include the cost of a chaperone to accompany the student back home.

Expectations While Away
Students must adhere to normal school rules and expectations of behavior while traveling. Students will be required to sign a ‘Trip Code of Conduct’ before departure.

Parent Expectations

WAB representation at home for Tri-Cities, ACAMIS, JPAC and APAC events will be based on the same qualifications and guidelines.

  • Encourage students to participate, but do not force or apply pressure;
  • Demonstrate appreciation for the volunteer efforts of coaches, officials and organizers – without them we could not provide our programs.
  • Attend games/performances whenever possible. By demonstrating appreciation for good performance and attitude, you can positively affect students’ performance;
  • Praise positive skill development and improvement in individual and team play;
  • Avoid criticism or ridicule of performers, players, coaches or referees;


WAB is required to host visiting students when we organize events. All team and arts ensemble members are required to host visiting teams and ensembles at events hosted by WAB. Special Note: this requirement is suspended for 2021-2022.

Global Citizenship/Service Learning

The Western Academy of Beijing strongly believes that “education neither begins nor ends in the classroom.” WAB wishes to give every student the opportunity to become a Global Citizen. To that end, WAB embraces the Global Citizenship, Service Learning and CAS programmes to help students become citizens of their global environment.

The CAS components are an integral part of WAB’s philosophy – ‘To Connect, Inspire, Challenge, Make a Difference’. WAB has incorporated the CAS (Creativity, Activity & Service) program to help students take on new challenges and extend their pre-existing skills through regular participation in creative clubs and physical recreation activities, as well as realizing their true potential by making a difference to their local and global environment through service-based projects. CAS is a fundamental and mandatory core part of both the WAB and IB Diploma programmes. It is the heart of both diplomas and takes seriously the importance of life outside the world of scholarship, providing a refreshing balance to academic studies.


As well as regular active participation, CAS also involves a significant amount of written records and evidence about planning, goal setting and reflecting for each individual activity and project.

All students must keep a record of their CAS planning, goals and reflections via Managebac (online database) and complete a written end-of-year review, both in Grade 11 and Grade 12. In order to receive their HS/IB Diploma, their final assessment involves a 20-minute exit interview with the Global Citizenship Coordinator. Students will receive, upon request, a recorded CAS achievements at the end of Grade 12.

For further details and insight into the CAS program, please also take a look at your child’s CAS Handbook.
For more information regarding the CAS requirements at WAB, please take a look at the attached PowerPoint presentation at

Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award for Young People

WAB is proud to offer the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award for Young People ( This prestigious award is available to all students at WAB. Students need to personally challenge themselves in three of four available project areas: Physical Recreation, Skill, Service and an Adventurous Journey. This award links well with WAB’s Global Citizenship expectations. The award has three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. With the help of the WAB Wild department for the journey, students carry out each of the three project areas continuously over either 3 months (Bronze), 6 months (Silver) or 12 months (Gold).

Student Council

The purpose of the High School Student Council is to:

  • Encourage student-initiated activities and ideas;
  • Represent the views of the students and the school as a whole;
  •  Ensure that students have a meaningful voice at WAB;
  • Meet regularly with school administration;
  • Foster global citizenship in and out of the school environment;
  • Provide a democratic forum for the discussion of ideas;
  • Support student contributions to WAB, to China and Chinese culture;
  • Provide a Student Social Committee which sets up school dances, spirit days and special events.

High School Student Council Elections

An annual election is held in April of each school year through a democratic process. Class representatives are chosen by members of their year group class in August/September.