Supportive Environment
Peer Support
Students at WAB are encouraged to contribute to our unique and caring school environment. As a part of the Student Leadership program, there are many avenues by which students are able to support one another.
ASA Leaders and Helpers
Students in Grades 4 and 5 have an opportunity to assist teachers running an After-school Activity (ASA). Grade 5 students may also run their own ASA with the guidance of a teacher.
Additional Opportunities
Within the spirit of student leadership, other opportunities arise each year for children to take a leadership role. Examples include older students running lunchtime drawing or dancing clubs for the younger children.

Parent Involvement
Parents are encouraged to participate as partners in the education of their children and in the continuing development of the school. Many procedures are established to enable parents to be involved in and informed about their child’s education.
Parental involvement can occur through a variety of avenues including:
- Attendance on field trips
- Classroom involvement e.g. reading, electives, cooking
- Assisting in the library
- Assisting with sports and other events
- Commenting on portfolio learning engagements
- Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences (PSTC)
- Student-led Conferences
- Parent information evenings
- Parent Workshops
- Room Parents
A significant contribution can be made by parents to the decision-making processes at WAB through volunteering on the WAB Board (elected position), WAB Board Committee, or Parent Link.
Parents are encouraged to provide input and feedback through a variety of means including:
- Parent surveys
- Feedback sheets
- Meetings with staff
- Emails to staff
Parents are most welcome at WAB during the school day and after school hours, subject to government health and safety guidelines. Parents should contact teachers directly if they are interested in helping in the classroom.
Community Parents
Community Parents are organized by Parent Link. The primary role of a Community Parent is to support the teacher and their main objective is to enhance communication between teachers and parents. The role of a Community Parent will vary considerably between grades and Community Parents and teachers will build relationships that will meet individual classroom needs. Community Parents should assist parents to identify the right staff member to approach to answer any questions.
Community Parents also have a Parent Link support function and will be called on from time to time to be the Parent Link or school “spokesperson” where effective lines of communication are required. A good example is end-of-year celebrations where Community Parents may be asked to coordinate food or activities. Community Parents are also invaluable in helping and enlisting help from other parents with the annual Parent Link Fun Fair.

Cyber Safety
The wireless network service at WAB provides Internet access anytime, anywhere. A certain amount of responsibility and management must be taken to use such services in a safe and acceptable manner.
To maintain a safe environment, WAB monitors Internet usage and employs filters to manage inappropriate content and sites. Although filtering software is provided to restrict access to certain sites, such resources are never complete safeguards to the mass volumes of information stored on the Internet. At times, some students may accidentally encounter inappropriate website content. Where instances like this arise filters will be checked and updated accordingly.
To enable students to use technology appropriately and critically, WAB provides an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) to which students must agree. The AUP describes appropriate and acceptable use for technologies, including internet, email, print and copier services, file sharing, managing personal information and intellectual property.
All students at WAB are expected to use technology resources and services in a manner appropriate to a school setting and in keeping with WAB expectations and values.
At all times, WAB students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is cognizant of the rights, feelings, and freedoms of others as well as themselves.
All students from Senior Grade 1 to Grade 5 must complete and submit the Acceptable Use Policy agreement.
Class Placements
We seek teachers’ professional judgment in placing students in classes for each academic school year. We consider as many perspectives as possible when placing students in classes. We also consider comments from single-subject teachers, students and parents.
Parents are invited to submit any relevant information to the Elementary Principal regarding their child’s placement for the following school year. This should be done through the survey sent out in the spring (April).
Members of our teaching staff have an international perspective and are selected for their professionalism, high qualifications, skills, and creativity. As all teachers at WAB are highly competent, parental requests for a specific teacher based on a personal preference will not be considered.
Emergency Evacuation
Established procedures exist for staff and students to follow in the event of fire, earthquake, or unauthorized intrusion. In such circumstances, student safety is of paramount importance.
In emergency situations, access for emergency vehicles is vital, so we ask parents to ensure the school entry areas remain clear of vehicles at all times. If it is necessary to evacuate the school campus, students and staff will be directed to the park at the rear of the Obelisco Restaurant near the school.
In the event that students must return home, parents will be notified through the school’s emergency contact procedures including SMS, email, WeChat, and/or phone calls.
Periodically, WAB conducts evacuation or lock-down drills to practice safe and efficient evacuation or lock-down procedures. Students are reminded that evacuation and lock down procedures must be conducted in an orderly and quiet manner. Should a crisis ever occur, it is vital that the communication of information be accurate and quickly available. Teachers will review procedures with students at the start of the year. Students are also advised to familiarize themselves with the designated evacuation routes from classrooms. Signs with evacuation routes are posted in every classroom.
WAB provides a comprehensive 24-hour security service. All vehicles are required to have a WAB vehicle sticker. Staff and parents are required to show their WAB ID (Smart Card) to enter the school campus. All visitors must register at the front gate and be issued with a Visitor’s Pass. The campus is equipped with closed circuit television and a state-of-the-art Fire Command Center.
Housekeeping Staff
Housekeeping staff (ayis) are employed at WAB to carry out specific roles in relation to maintaining and keeping a clean and tidy environment. To help support students to develop independence and take responsibility for their own items, ayis are encouraged to not pick up after students or to do things that students can do themselves.
In the ECC, the ayis also work in classrooms for periods of time where they may be involved in mixing paints, setting out materials, playing with children, escorting students to the toilets, and other similar tasks as instructed by the teacher.

Supporting Student Behavior in the School Environment
At WAB, our goal is to encourage students to become active, compassionate, and life-long learners who strive to exemplify the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. Everyone in the school works to model the IB Learner Profile attributes, which are that students become inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective.
WAB has always been a school that has placed great importance on providing a caring and supportive school environment and promoting a sense of well-being for all students. Each school section is designed to provide a friendly community environment that is welcoming, promotes positive social exchange, and supports teaching and learning. A range of support staff, counselors, and administrators provide support services to our student and school community.
At WAB students learn to follow these three expectations:
Respect Yourself
WAB provides a supportive learning environment that encourages all members to be successful and confident learners.
Respect Others
WAB emphasizes care, effective communication, and high-quality relationships based on respect for others and their differences.
Respect the Environment
WAB provides a stimulating and positive learning environment that allows all members to feel safe.WAB is committed to maintaining a bully-free learning environment. WAB takes whole-school approach in addressing bullying behaviors by increasing awareness through community education, being proactive and responsive to reported bullying incidents, and increasing teacher understanding and competencies in the use of effective behavior-management strategies.
If students’ behavior is not in-line with the above expectations, then conversations with the student and adults involved will involve reflections and natural consequences adopted.
Inappropriate Behaviors and Consequences to Support Behavior Change
LEVEL 1 – Low-level, minor, infrequent behaviors that do not significantly interrupt the teaching and learning of others.
• Off task
• Not finishing work
• Non-compliance
• Inappropriate moving around the school
• Using inappropriate language
• Chewing gum
• Littering
• Spitting
• Bringing inappropriate items to school
• Being late
• Being in an inappropriate area
CONSEQUENCES LEVEL 1 – Logical and planned interventions. Least to most intrusive.
•Clear direction
•Safe and supportive environment guidelines reminder
•Logical consequence
•Time out
LEVEL 2 – Persistent behaviors that disrupt the teaching and learning, or repeated Level 1 behaviors.
• Non-compliance
• Defiance or disrespect
• Swearing or other verbal abuse
• Sexual or racial harassment
• Teasing or bullying
• Physical abuse, fighting
• Unsafe play
• Theft
• Vandalism or graffiti
• Leaving school without permission, truancy
• Inappropriate use of computers
• Cheating
CONSEQUENCES LEVEL 2 – Logical and planned interventions. Least to most intrusive.
• Time out
• Suspension of privileges
• Buddy classroom
• Contracts • Family conference
• Solution space
• Individual behavior plan
• Counseling
LEVEL 3 – Repeated Level 2 behaviors, extreme violence, dangerous or illegal behaviors while under school jurisdiction.
- Extreme violence towards self, others, or property
- Using, possessing, or distributing tobacco, alcohol, or other chemical products
- Possessing dangerous items or weapons
- Possessing or accessing pornographic material
- Computer hacking, trashing, or interfering in any way with another persons’ work or intellectual property
CONSEQUENCES LEVEL 2 – Logical and planned interventions. Least to most intrusive.
• Solution space
• Family conference
• In-school suspension
• Drug testing (urine testing)
• Suspension
Role of Counselors and the Principal/Vice Principal
The counselors, principal, and vice principal work very closely as a team. ES counselors are selected for their professionalism, high qualifications, skills, and ability to work with students and families in times of transition and need. Counselors’ roles are diverse, and their ultimate aim is to promote a safe, supportive environment for all students.
The principal and vice principals play a vital role in ensuring that WAB has a safe and supportive environment. They are readily available to deal with serious student behavioral issues, manage emergency and crisis situations, while also working toward being proactive in preventative programs.
Terms Used
Logical consequence – e.g. Drop litter, help tidy an area.
Time out – Student moves to a seat or a place away from the activity until they are ready to follow rules.
Thinking time – A time for a student to reflect on their behavior.
Partner classroom – Student is sent to another classroom with work.
Contract – A written or verbal agreement between a teacher and student outlining behavior or learning expectations. Parents receive a copy.
In-school suspension – Student attends school but not regular classes or activities. An Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP) is written and implemented.
Suspension – Student is asked to remain at home for a period of time. Re-entry to WAB is negotiated with the student, parents, and relevant school staff. This is recorded in an IBP.