Supporting YOu
Student ID Cards/Smartcards
Student ID Cards, issued upon enrollment, are used to purchase food items, to access personal lockers, sign out ICT equipment and library books, operate printers/photocopiers, and to identify students to guards when entering or leaving the campus. Students are expected to have their badges on them at all times.
Students may charge their card by depositing funds at the Chartwells cash register throughout the day or by using the Chartwells app. Students will not be able to purchase food or drinks when the balance of the card is zero. Students can also purchase food using WeChat pay.
Students who forget their Smart Cards may attain a one-day permit to access campus and then to purchase a replacement card from the High School reception. Students should report lost Smart Cards to the office immediately and complete a request for a new card. A charge of 50 RMB will be made for replacement of lost cards
Home and School Communications
WAB uses a wide variety of strategies to ensure that parents remain informed of student progress and aware of school events. Email information is sent out weekly with upcoming dates and events and may also be sent by individual school sections for specific purposes. Additionally, student results are accessible via Powerschool’s Gradebook and are updated regularly by teachers. Parents should check the HS section of WAB Weekly each week for updates and information from the HS Office and Counseling Office. Students also need to check their school email and Microsoft Teams accounts daily.

Counselors support the academic, social, and emotional needs of students as well as acting as advisors in their post-secondary plans. Counselors offer support services for students and families as they manage issues of studying and living in an international environment. The goal is to promote personal well-being, healthy relationships and the successful balance of academic, extracurricular and community involvement for WAB students.
Counselors are often one of the first staff members new students meet and they assist with initial placement through review of academic records and help develop a suitable study program. Students also may receive assistance from a counselor in dealing with a wide range of personal, academic and social issues common to this age group. Typical issues may involve:
- Social Relationships
- Emotional Well-Being
- University Counseling
- Post High School Planning
- Time Management and Decision Making
- Academic Planning
- Problem Solving and Life Skills Development
- Crisis Intervention
Counseling Guidelines for Grade 9-11
Reference Letters
A minimum of four working weeks is required from students to request letters of recommendation from their teachers and counselor. A strong recommendation letter takes time to write and it is a courtesy to give at least this amount of time. Immediately after verbally requesting a reference from a teacher, the student should email both the teacher and the counselor to confirm this request. The teacher will either upload their recommendation letter to MaiaLearning platform and or give the letter directly to the Counseling Department. All letters of recommendation are confidential and thus are not shared with the student or family. They are sent directly to the educational institutions.
Official transcripts are only sent from WAB to other educational institutions. There is a minimum of two working weeks to process such requests. Official transcripts are not given to students, families or other third parties. Official transcripts are only given to students and family if they require an apostille from an embassy. Students or parents may request a hard copy of the unofficial transcript. Official transcripts can be sent via:
1) China post: the school will incur the cost.
2) DHL courier service: Student/family pays 300 RMB for courier costs. Payments must be received in advance.
3) Electronically sent by the counselor: no costs are associated.
The student’s final transcript is sent only to the university that the student has chosen to attend; no other final transcripts are sent to a university unless the first-choice university has a conditional offer. In this case, one additional transcript may be sent.
Course Switching Deadlines
Students must meet with their counselor and then complete an add/drop course form to change a course. The deadline for any change of course is September 25. Any course change after this time must only be at the request of the teacher and/or the High School Curriculum Coordinator. Please note that Grade 9 and 10 students will only have one week after the start of a given semester to make a change to one of their arts electives.

Preparing University College Applications
WAB offers a wide range of resources and a comprehensive program to assist students and their families with university college planning. The Counseling Department has a wide selection of tools to support the applicants. Counselors play a key role in assisting students with the college search, essay/personal statement, country-specific requirements, and the overall applications process. More detailed information regarding guidelines and support information can be found on the WAB Parent Portal –
WAB welcomes visitors from universities around the world and hosts several university visits throughout the year. (Due to Covid-19, this has been suspended for 2022-2023.) Parents and students are strongly encouraged to attend virtual and or in-person visits. In addition, numerous sessions for parents and/or students occur throughout the school year addressing a wide range of university college topics.
WAB also uses MaiaLearning, a web-based college and career planning system widely used in international schools around the world. MaiaLearning is a secure web-based system that is available to counselors, students, and parents, which allows counselors to keep track of all aspects of students’ post-secondary plans. It enables students to access up-to-date online information on colleges and universities, and to develop a personalized list of colleges that fit the traits students identify as being key factors in their college search. MaiaLearning enables school and family to be involved in the college selection process in a collaborative manner. The privacy of students’ personal information is assured, as users only have access to their own account and records.
Application Deadlines
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they submit their applications in a timely manner. In many cases, school documentation will follow once student has submitted their application. Please allow the counseling office a minimum of two working weeks to process such requests before a given deadline.
University Applications
Students are allowed a maximum of twelve applications in an application year cycle. Applying to university should be a thoughtful process seeking a ‘best fit’ approach. WAB students should apply to universities that they have fully researched, are of true interest to them and are appropriate given their academic record. The application cycle begins in August in Grade 12 and ends the following September. Twelve applications are defined as one per university, (University of California system counts as one).
Test Scores
Students will need to send their official scores from College Board, ACT, TOEFL and/or IELTS to universities requesting these results. Please be advised that some universities will expect that you send all results of all tests taken.
Grade 12 students should submit their ‘IB Results Form’ to the counseling office by the April deadline so that WAB can: (1) send final high school official transcript to the university chosen, and (2) request that the IBO send the student’s final IB scores directly to the university in early July. If this form is not submitted, it will be the student’s responsibility to contact IBO and to request that their results be sent (a cost from the IBO may be incurred).
IB Application Grades
Predicted IB Application Grades
This procedure is done only once a year. The earliest round is in September for Oxbridge applications (due Oct 15). The next round is mid-late October for students applying to Early Decision/Early Action to the United States. IB application grades are only sent to universities if is requested or if the student make the request that we provide it with other school documentation.
The documents that they are required to present by November 1 include their transcript grades (Gr 9-11) as well as Application Grades (formerly Predicted Grades) for many of these schools and programs. At WAB, these Application Grades are confidential and are not shared with students or parents.
Classroom teachers, Extended Essay supervisor and TOK (Theory of Knowledge) teachers will all be asked for their predictions. Based on all the information, a final application grade will be given to the students. We ask teachers to consider the following factors to develop an application grade number:
- Final Grade 11 (full year) mark;
- Work done for your course to this point in Year 2 (formative or summative);
- Your professional understanding of the IB grade descriptors for your course and course requirements, and your judgement of the student’s ability to achieve these standards;
- Extended Essay progress so far (engagement with supervisor, draft of the EE (EXTENDED ESSAY);
- TOK:engagement in class, work completed at the end of Grade
Early Decision/Action
If a student applies Early Decision/Action to a particular university (typically the U.S.) then they must follow the rules and stipulations set forth by the university. If the student is accepted to that university (Early Decision), then they must withdraw all other applications as the student is expected to attend that university. In that circumstance, WAB will not process any additional documentation for another university.
Students should update their MaiaLearning account stating the responses (accept, deny, conditional acceptance, waitlist) from universities as soon as they receive notification, along with information regarding scholarships. We ask that students email their counselors with acceptance results that arrive after the school year ends (i.e.: Australia, Korea, Europe).
Mid-Year/Final Transcript
WAB sends Grade 12 Interim transcripts out at the beginning of January. Final transcripts (Final Year report) will typically be sent out within two weeks of students receiving their grades and after they have submitted their ‘ Leaving Form.’ Any questions regarding IB DP (Diploma Program) results or IB DP Diploma should be directed to the IB Diploma Coordinator.
Gap Year
Students planning to take a gap year should meet with their counselor during Grade 12 to help coordinate a cohesive plan for the following year. Students should also request all letters of recommendation and necessary documents before leaving WAB. Parents should plan to meet with their child counselor at least once in Grade 12.

World of Work Program
At the culmination of Grade 10, each student is required to complete the World of Work (WOW) internship program. The World of Work Program is an opportunity for Grade 10 students to complete a one-week non-paid internship helping them to make informed choices about their future, learn about their strengths, discover new skills, and gain valuable work experience. After the WOW week, students return to WAB and provide a reflection of their work week.
Transfer and Summer Program Applications
If a student is transferring to another school or applying for a summer program, we ask that student/parent notify the Counseling Office to inform what documents (i.e. transcripts and letter of recommendation) will be needed. Please be advised that the Counseling Office needs a minimum of two working weeks to process documents. Please refer to the procedure on letter of recommendations and official documents.
Applications to Boarding Schools
Student/parents must notify the Counseling Office and meet with their counselor prior to November 1st. The Counseling Office directs the entire process; please do not approach teachers before notifying the counselor. . A minimum of two working weeks should be allowed for the teachers and counselors to write letters of recommendation and complete recommendation forms. A maximum of seven boarding schools per student will be processed in any school year. Please refer to the procedure on letter of recommendations and official documents.

Technology For Learning
WAB is an Apple Distinguished School and runs a successful 1:1 laptop program. All high school students are required to have their own Apple MacBook that meets a set of requirements outlined by our IT Support Staff. For more information, please see the IT Helpdesk in the High School.
It is the requirement that the school software image is installed, which is at no additional cost to you. For more detailed information about laptop configuration and purchasing, visit
WAB’s 1:1 laptop program is supported not only by on-site Apple Care to provide prompt repair services but and our IT Helpdesk also facilitates continued learning by providing loaner MacBooks to students who have a genuine reason to seek their use.
Online Services
As a high school student, you will have access to a wide range of WAB online services including:
• Subscription to O365 which includes:
- Microsoft Teams – this application will have all of your courses available through subject teams including all of your assignments; this will be the main learning platform you use for all subjects and
communication - Outlook email account for communication (please check your email at least once a day and only use this account for communications with your teachers)
- Outlook calendar
- OneDrive – cloud storage for school-related files
- Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Forms and Delve
• The media server (,
• Managebac (for Grade 11 and 12 students)
• MyTime for daily schedules, Day 9 choices and attendance
In addition, WAB has a wide variety of electronic devices such as cameras, iPads, microphones and tripods that are available for borrowing through the library.
Network and Bandwidth
The network and Internet access at WAB are resources that we share throughout the school. Please be aware that bandwidth is be monitored. Please think before you take up valuable bandwidth – you must not slow the network down for other users. Examples of how you can slow the network include streaming media, downloading large files and sending emails with large attachments. Torrenting is not permitted at WAB.
Please remember that our campus is a shared space, so please ensure that any content you access is appropriate. With China as our host country, you are expected to utilize technology in a manner that is respectful to the local culture and laws.
Students, please remember:
- You have sole responsibility for your use of educational technology resources.
- You are responsible for your actions and for the content placed in all storage areas and accounts. All files stored in O365 OneDrive must be school related.
- You are expected to be a principled and caring user of technology, whether on or off campus.
- You should always think about how your actions could affect others and act appropriately.
- Care should be taken to ensure that gaming and other non-educational uses of computer do not interfere with your learning. Use time wisely; balance is the goal.

English as an Additional Language (EAL)
The High School EAL Department supports non-native English speakers in Grades 9 through12. Non-native speakers receive help in all areas of language acquisition in order to reach a high level of English language proficiency and achieve full participation in the WAB curriculum.
The High School EAL Department provides the following support programs:
- In-Class Language Support (ICLS)
This program is designed to support non-native English speakers in different classes by co-teaching with the subject teacher. - Academic Reading and Writing
(Grade 11 and 12)
The aim of this class is to develop academic reading and writing skills and to support student learning in Grade 11 and 12 courses. This class does not replace an English course. - Individual Support
Individual Support is available to all non-native speakers in Grades 9-12, regardless of language proficiency level, to assist students with classroom work in all subject areas. Sessions for work revision, editing, as well as skill focus are offered during every Day 9.

Learning Support Center (LSC)
The role of the HS LSC is to provide support and accommodations for students to help them access the curriculum more productively. Learning Support teachers work with students, parents and teachers to develop the program most suitable for each student. This may involve differentiating using a variety of approaches in order to meet each student’s needs at an optimal level.
Learning Support services can take the following forms:
- In-Class Support
An LSC teacher will support students within certain subject classrooms. Typically one LSC teacher will support students in grades 9 and 10 in Math and Science, while another LSC teacher will support them in Language and Literature and Individuals and Societies classes. This provides continuity over the final two years of the MYP.One LSC teacher will support students in grades 11 and12, usually with meetings during free blocks but occasionally with in-class support. A major emphasis during these DP years is helping students keep organized and on top of their numerous assessments.
- Learning Support Class
Identified students in grades 9 and 10 will attend the Learning Support class where they can get 1:1 or small group support for their subject work as well as improving their executive functioning skills to help them access the curriculum. The LS class usually takes the place of a foreign language class. - Assessment Accommodations
Students from grades 9 to12 who require special assessment accommodations will follow the guidelines for accommodations based on the IBO document “Candidates with assessment access requirements” (2017). These accommodations can range from extra time to writing the assessments in a separate room. Any accommodation authorized will be available for the student to use, including during final DP exams.

Food Services
WAB Food Services are managed by Chartwells, an international company highly regarded amongst its industry peers. WAB Food Services provide a wide range of international food options from various outlets within the school. High School students have access to the food stations in the HS Library, Koi, Bamboo Court, and the HUB Link. Student meal offers include: set menus, custom-made sandwiches, salads and snacks are served at morning break and lunchtime. Additional information can be found in the parent portal under the FOOD SERVICES tab.
There are two different ways to load money onto your child’s SmartCard: at the service counter in the HUB Link, High School, or using the Chartwells mobile app. Details and instructions about adding money can be found in the Food Services tab on the WAB Parent Portal.
Don’t forget to set a ‘low balance reminder’ on the Chartwells mobile app to ensure your child always has money on their smartcard. A minimum balance of RMB 250 is recommended to be charged to the card at all times and represents approximately five days of snacks, drinks and meals for most students.
Queries about food or food services can be forwarded to the Chartwells Unit Manager at

WAB provides student bus service to and from school. Buses arrive at school between 8:00am-8:30am each day.
Afternoon buses depart at approximately 3:25pm. A 4:30pm bus service is available to take students home from After School Activities on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. These buses leave from the Elementary School. In addition, a 5:45pm “late bus” schedule is provided to take students home from after school activities on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (6:15pm), Thursday and Friday throughout the year. While all students may travel on the Late Bus regardless of whether they normally travel to school by bus, the Late Bus service is a limited service due to the number of buses in the fleet and traffic conditions. We regret that it cannot meet the needs of all students and, therefore, it is important that students and parents are familiar with the schedule and stops. Late buses depart at 5:45pm from the HUB (6:15pm on Wednesdays) and students who return from games or competitions at other schools after this time are responsible for arranging their own transportation home.
The bus service is coordinated by the Transportation Office. All school buses are supervised by bus supervisors who are in mobile phone contact with the school at all times.
High School students are permitted to take taxis home unless the school is advised otherwise by the parents at the time of admission.
Students who take the buses are expected to adhere to the following expectations:
- Treat the bus supervisor and bus driver with courtesy and respect
- Wear seat belts
- Respect the duty of the bus supervisor to ensure students are safely seated and wearing seat belts
- Talk quietly and remain seated at all times
- Eat or drink only if there is a major delay and approval is received from the bus supervisor
- Keep windows closed at all times
- Be on time at the bus stop
- Be responsible for personal belongings
Personal Transport
Students who ride bicycles to school should wear a helmet and ride safely at all times. Students who travel by motorcycle or scooter should always wear a helmet and must have the correct driver’s license for their vehicle

Health Services
A Nurse Office, staffed by a Registered Chinese Nurse, is located within the High School Building and provides services for High School students. A log is kept of all treatment, and parents are notified in the event of any significant illness or injury.
Student Health Screening
The nurses carry out yearly health screening including height/weight checks with BMI and vision screening. Parents are notified of the results of these tests only when there are unexpected results, although our nurses are always available for conversations about a student’s health issues.
Parents are asked to notify the school nurse of any infectious diseases or of any change in the health status of a student, e.g. a vaccination, illness, injury, operation or doctor appointment. It is important for parents to keep students at home if they are sick.
Certain contagious diseases have specific exclusion periods set by the Beijing Center for Disease Control (CDC) and a “Fit to return-to-school certificate” issued by HePing Hospital is required to be sent to the nurse’s office before returning, the school nurses will inform you of these If required.
WAB maintains a “fever-free” environment and requires all students not to attend school if they have a temperature of over 37.3 degrees Celsius. Students must stay home if they suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, have head lice or other contagious diseases. By following this protocol (for more details please see WAB health and Illness policy and Procedure, location on the Health Service tab of the Parents Portal), we are able to maintain a healthy environment for all and to minimize the spread of infections to others.
Parents will be contacted by a school nurse before permitting the student with illness to leave. Parents will be informed of any exclusion times due to the illness.
Parents should advise the HS Reception of reasons for all absences from the school, including illness. Parents can use the Parent Portal to log their child’s absence. For all absences with illness (even if the student is absent for just half day), parents are requested to contact the Nurse’s Office
The school nurse will call parents in the event that a student needs to go home due to an injury. In the event of a serious injury or illness, the nurse will contact the parents or guardian, so the student can be transported to the nearest medical center or hospital for further attention. If necessary, the nurse or designated person will accompany the student to the hospital or medical center and meet the parent there. Parents will be notified of any head injury, and an information sheet will be given to every student.
Medication at School
The school nurse must administer all medication during school hours; all medication other than Epi-pens and asthma inhalers should be kept within the nurse office. Please complete the “Permission to Administer Medicine form” (Location on Health Serve tab of Parent Portal) with the student’s name, reason to give medicine, dosage, date and time. All medicines must be in their original container, clearly labeled, with the student’s name, class and the dosage to be given. For prescription medication, please provide a copy of your doctor’s prescription. A few over-the-counter medications (i.e. Panadol, Ibuprofen) are available in the nurse’s office and can be given if parental permission is on file, e.g., Students Medical Health Information or WAB Trip Medical Form.
Medical Records
It is very important that WAB nurses have complete, updated medical records for students at all times. Parents are asked to complete and return the annual WAB Medical Trip form. Parents are asked to keep the nurses updated of any new conditions or immunizations. Parents can also update above details online through PowerSchool.
It is key that you keep the school updated with current work, home and mobile numbers of parents/guardians and emergency contact details; as this is the only way to contact you in the event of an emergency.
For specific illnesses the nurse may require further information and an individual health plan; they will contact you accordingly.
Illnesses and Exclusion from School
The nurses carry out yearly health screening including height/weight checks with BMI and vision screening. Parents are notified of the results of these tests only when there are unexpected results, although our nurses are always available for conversations about a student’s health issues.WAB’s exclusion period for the following illnesses/conditions follow the guidelines from the Beijing Center for Disease Control (CDC):
- Fever: WAB maintains a “fever free” environment.
Students with a temperature of 37.3 0C and above
are excluded. Students are expected to be fever-
free, without medication, for 48 hours before returning
to school. They must also complete the WAB Health
Questionnaire as soon as possible. According to your
responses, the nurses will contact families with next
steps, which could include a new COVID-19 test or a
visit to doctor for a medical certificate. Full
information on the health policy can be found on our
Health Services page in the Parent Portal. Please note
that requirements from authorities can change with
little notice, so please always follow the guidance of
your school section nurse when returning to school
after an illness. - Diarrhea and Vomiting (Acute Gastroenteritis, include
Norovirus and Rotavirus, etc.): Students who have
diarrhea and/or are vomiting or diagnosed with acute
gastroenteritis are excluded from school until they
have had no symptoms for 72 hours. - Conjunctivitis (infected): Students can return to school
once they have been on treatment for 24 hours. - Head lice: Students can return to school after their
hair has been treated and they have been checked
by the WAB school nurse. - Impetigo: Students can return to school when all
sores are dry and scabbed. If they have had
antibiotic treatment, they can return after 48 hours. - Ringworm: No exclusion if the student is on antifungal
medication. - Threadworms: No exclusion but recommended to see
a doctor for treatment to commence. - Verrucas (foot wart): Flip-flops must be worn at all
times in the pool area and in the changing room until
the wart is gone.
The students with below common contagious diseases or other government required contagious diseases must obtain a “Fit to return-to-school certificate” issued by HePing Hospital after completing the exclusion periods from school and take it to section Nurse Office before returning back to class.
Influenza: Students are expected to stay at home for 48 hours after fever-free and no other symptoms.
Chickenpox: Students are expected to stay at home for all herpes are scab-free, no new rash, no exudation.
Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) and Herpangina: Students must be excluded and cannot return to school until 14 days from the onset of symptoms; The student who still has symptoms after the 14 days exclusion should be excluded from schooluntil symptoms-free one week.
Scarlet fever (Streptococcal infection): Students must
be excluded and cannot return to school at least 7
days after having treatment.Measles: Students are expected to stay at home for
4 days after rash appeared, the onset day of the rash
is regarded as the 0th day, but if complications have
arisen then they are excluded for 14 days.Mumps: Students are expected to stay at home
at least 21days after the parotid gland begins to be
swollen.Rubella (German Measles): Students are expected
to stay at home 4 days after rash appeared, the onset
day of the rash is regarded as the 0thday, but if a lung
infection is diagnosed, then they are excluded for 10

WAB provides a comprehensive 24-hour security service. Staff and parents are required to show their WAB ID Cards to enter the school grounds and all visitors must register at the front gate and be issued a Visitor’s Pass. Grade 12 students must show their ID cards prior to leaving campus during lunch or during the school day.
The campus is equipped with closed circuit television and a state-of-the-art Fire Command Center.
Damaged or Lost Property/ Responsibility
WAB is not responsible/liable for damage to or loss of personal belongings unless the school is directly responsible.
If personal property has been lost or damaged by another party, other than WAB, the school will assist in investigating the incident but will not take responsibility for mediating between the two parties.
Students wishing to bring guests to school must have permission to do so at least one day prior to the planned visit. The WAB student must complete a “Guest Registration Form” from the office, have it signed by all relevant teachers and return it to the office at least one day prior to the intended date of visit.
When teacher permission is obtained, visitors from overseas may be granted approval to attend up to one day of classes with their hosts. Permission will not be given to students living in Beijing or attending other schools within Beijing. While at school, all visitors must follow school rules and demonstrate respect for other students, teachers, school personnel and property. Guests who do not abide by the above expectations will be asked to leave immediately.
Use of School Facilities After School Hours
WAB promotes the use of its school facilities to the community. Respect for self, others and the environment are core expectations. As such, High School students may remain after school to participate in scheduled activities, complete assignments and homework, or simply socialize with friends in the comfortable environment of the WAB campus.
- In addition to organized High School activities students may use the outdoor and indoor sporting facilities when they are not in use for official functions such as matches and training.
- The gymnasium and tennis courts should be booked in advance through the WABX office.
- WAB does not provide direct supervision for students who are playing and practicing outside of organized school activities.
- The school expects students to treat such areas with respect and leave them as they found them ready for he next school day’s normal activities.
Off-Campus Privileges for Grade 12 Students
Students in Grade 12 who have first block free may arrive at 9:45 am with permission from their parents and a returned permission form. Students may not leave early if they have a free block at the end of the day.
Near to the end of each school year, our Grade 12 students have the opportunity to go ‘off campus’ at lunchtime. In order to access this privilege Grade 12 students must return a parent permission form, and must leave their ID card with the guards each time they leave.
Students are not permitted to bring take away food onto campus.
Grade 12 students are required to attend Mentor, SEL and Flex Block activities, and class meetings during this end of year time. Students who misuse or abuse these privileges will have them revoked.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
Established procedures exist for staff and students to follow in the event of fire, earthquake or unauthorized intrusion. In such circumstances, student safety is of paramount importance. In emergency situations, access for emergency vehicles is vital and parents are therefore asked to ensure the school entry areas remain clear of vehicles at all times.
In the event that classes are suspended and students must return home, parents will be notified through the school’s emergency contact procedures including text messaging service, email, and/or phone calls.
WAB periodically conducts evacuation drills to practice safe and efficient procedures.