From the High School Principal
Our High School is home to more than 380 inspiring, engaged and passionate young people, who value learning both within the classroom and outside it. We are proud of our academic achievements, as well as our strong programs in the Fine Arts, service learning, China Studies, athletics and our extracurricular programs. In all we do, we are guided by our mission to Connect, Inspire, Challenge and Make a Difference. We believe that High School is a time of self-discovery, a time to learn about your passions and develop who you are as a learner and human. At WAB, you’ll explore academics, the arts, athletics, service, global citizenship and a wide scope of spectacular activities and events. We hope that while you are with us at WAB that you will use this opportunity to develop who you are and build your own incredible personalized journey.
As an International Baccalaureate World School, WAB is authorized to offer the IB Primary Years Programme, IB Middle Years Programme, and the IB Diploma Programme. In Grades 9 and 10, a focus on the IB Learner Profile and the Approaches to Learning serves as a way for students to bring together the learning they do within each of their subject areas, while also recognizing our diverse and shared humanity and the responsibilities we hold in the guardianship of our planet. Through the MYP, as well as our Diploma Programme, we support students in building the capacity to see their learning as relevant and meaningful in a larger diverse world.
Students in the High School balance the academic demands of a college preparatory program with pursuits outside of the classroom. At the Grade 9 and 10 levels, students cover a wide range of courses and develop a firm grounding in their academic knowledge. All students in Grades 9 and 10 follow the Middle Years Programme. In Grades 11 and 12, students can choose a holistic or focused program to speak to their interests and passions, as well as to ensure they have access to post-secondary institutions around the world. There are numerous pathways available to students in order to graduate from WAB. The first major pathway is for students to earn a WAB HS College Preparatory Diploma, requiring a minimum of 24 credits. When appropriate, students can instead opt for the WAB HS General Studies Diploma, requiring 14 or more credits. Within these two programs of study, various options are available, including: IB Diploma Programme, Individualized Curricular Program, WAB HS Courses and WAB’s Capstone Program. Overall, WAB’s High School provides students with challenging, engaging and individualized options. Whatever their program of studies, our hope for our students is that they learn and grow by recognizing their strengths and realizing their goals.
The WAB High School building and all High School facilities were designed specifically to provide an environment where students assume increasing independence and responsibility. Wireless internet access, comfortable and well-furnished student spaces, multiple dining options, and quiet study facilities allow students to work, study and socialize in a mature and supportive atmosphere. Outstanding, professional staff and excellent resources provide a world-class collaborative learning community for WAB students to focus on learning and deepen their understanding of themselves and their world, so they can achieve their potential.
The goal of the WAB High School program is to develop open-minded, independent, principled, well-balanced, knowledgeable and inquiring learners, who are willing to take risks, think critically and reflect on their actions and knowledge. It is our expectation that our students will use their critical minds and compassionate hearts as they develop into active citizens in their global community, with particular focus in our China context.
From all of us at WAB: Welcome to our family.
High School Principal
“We hope that while you are with us at WAB that you will use this opportunity to develop who you are and build your own incredible personalized journey.”

Connect, Inspire, Challenge:
Make a Difference

The Western Academy of Beijing offers a challenging and caring, community-based educational environment in which students are active participants in the learning process. WAB fosters critical thinking and inquiry-based skills to ensure its students achieve their full potential as individuals and as members of the global community. In this setting, students, staff, and parents co-operate in the educational process guided by the following principles:
The Western Academy Educates the Whole Child
The Western Academy of Beijing seeks to develop the intellectual, social and emotional, physical and aesthetic potential of each child along with moral sensitivity. WAB children will learn how to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate new situations, knowledge, and rapidly changing technology with ease, confidence and creativity. WAB’s educational program provides its students with a fundamental respect for the beliefs and values of other peoples and will take full advantage of the culture of its host country, China.
The Western Academy Champions its Staff
The staff teaches with an international perspective. They are selected for their professionalism, high qualifications, skills, and creativity. Individual professional development is both supported and expected, while WAB creates an atmosphere in which the staff’s expertise and talents enrich the school community as a whole.
The Western Academy Involves the Parents
Parents are encouraged to participate as partners in the education of their children and in the continuing development of the school. WAB supports, respects and desires such an active role for parents. The Western Academy of Beijing, a community of students, staff, and parents, is committed to the creation and support of a dynamic model school with high academic, social, and ethical standards.
IB Learner Profile
WAB has adopted the IB Student Profile as its Learner Profile. As an internationally minded community of learners, our students are becoming:
Their natural curiosity is nurtured. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct purposeful, constructive research and become independent active learners. They actively enjoy learning, and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
Critical Thinkers
They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to make sound decisions and approach complex problems.
They understand and express ideas and information confidently in more than one language and in a variety of literacies.
They approach unfamiliar situations with confidence and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are courageous and articulate in defending those things in which they believe.
They explore concepts, ideas and issues which have global relevance and importance. In so doing, they acquire, and are able to make use of, a significant body of knowledge across a range of disciplines.
They have a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning. They have integrity, honesty, a sense of fairness and justice and respect for the dignity of the individual.
They show empathy and compassion towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to action and service to enhance the human condition and respect for the environment.
Through an understanding and appreciation of their own culture, they are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and cultures and are accustomed to seeking and considering a range of points of view.
They understand the importance of physical and mental balance and personal well-being for themselves and others.
They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and personal development. They are able to analyze their strengths and weaknesses in a constructive manner and act on them.