Our Mission, Philosophy, Core VAlues and IB learner profile

What do the Different Elements of the Mission Mean?
The character ‘xué 学’ is translated as study or learning. The etymology of the character is: a child (zi) under a roof with head that is full of learning. The character is used in countless Chinese idioms. Its place in the center of the visual represents the central place that learning has in an educational setting. The Chinese character indicates our central platform for learning, our host country, China. This character forms the context for the rest of the elements, just as China is the context in which our community lives and learns.
The two figures on the right-hand side represent the learner/mentor relationship, with the mentor figure holding the learner up, encouraging him/her to reach for dreams. The learner’s raised arms represent both the celebratory nature of learning, and the need to reach beyond immediate surroundings to grow as a learner. These figures represent one of the most important relationships in our school, that of mentor and learner. This elationship appears in our daily life in a myriad of ways: between teachers and students; between colleagues; between students themselves and one another; between parents and staff… at any one time any of us can be mentor or learner.
The three figures on the left-hand side represent our learning community. They are joined together, but each has his/her own individual identity. They tell us that our mission is not just for those of us in the learner/mentor relationship but for all of us; that every student, teacher, staff member, parent or friend of WAB is part of our learning community. Like the learner/mentor figures, the arms of these community figures are visually connected to the central Chinese character, representing how intertwined we are with China.
The circular shape of the design unifies all the different elements in a never-ending cycle of renewal. The Chinese and English languages connect to one another and embrace the figures with powerful words.
All the figures are joyful, are diverse and are working together. This connects us to our Core Value of WAB Spirit ‘gōng hé 工合’ (work hard, work together), telling us that great things happen when individuals combine their energies into a creative effort for the common good. Mosaic of Diversity, another one of our Core Values, is represented by the five colors, referring to the five continents; at least one of these colors appears in the flag of every country in the world. There are five figures, justas there are five Core Values at WAB.
Connect 融合 róng hé
In an ever-changing world where individuals are faced daily with unpredictable situations, the word connect (融合 róng hé) has a special significance. The ability to make connections with people, with communities, with technology, with values and beliefs, with ideas, is the single most important skill any member of our global society can have. At WAB all members of our community connect with one another.
Inspire 激发 jǐ fā
Inspired people are motivated, enthusiastic and exciting to be around. Educational organizations have a duty to inspire (激发 jī fā), to be places where people dream and are transformed by their dreams and aspirations. At WAB all members of our community inspire and are inspired by one another.
Challenge 挑战 tiǎo zhàn
Places of learning must be challenging (挑战 tiǎo zhàn). They must require all members of the learning community to challenge themselves to higher levels, to challenge their received knowledge, to be fearless and bold in their thinking and in their actions. At WAB all members of our community challenge themselves.
Make a Difference 贡献 gòng xiàn
This final phrase (贡献 gòng xiàn) is the call to action for all our community. Connected, inspired people who challenge themselves and others will inevitably make a difference to our world. While our global society develops and new opportunities appear, we also face new difficulties and problems. We cannot prescribe or predict the difference that each individual or group of individuals makes, but we know that each member of WAB’s community is a key part of our mission to make a real difference.
What does it Mean to You?
A school’s mission is our beacon that guides us into the future. In order for our vision to become reality we must make real changes in the way we behave. Therefore, WAB’s mission requires us to:
- Ensure a curriculum that connects, inspires and challenges our students and teachers
- Test the new mission against our guiding principles. When we speak to graduates do they say they have been transformed by their time at WAB? Do we address global issues? Are we future-focused in our thinking and our actions
- Consistently look back at the different elements of the mission and find ways to incorporate them into the daily life of our community. Are mentors inspiring learners every day? Do we have the policies and practices in place that ensure that our community is diverse, is joyful, is working together?
- Collect data that supports our assertion that our community is diverse, that China is our common connection, that all learners are reaching their goals, that our community is really making a difference in the world. Data collection and analysis is the only way to make sure that we are living our vision.
- Ensure that our day-to-day practices respect and support the mission. Do all staff have the opportunity to connect with each other and with their colleagues outside the school? Do we recruit staff who can commit to this mission and support its realization? Do we provide the kind of professional development opportunities that keep staff inspired and challenged? Do we provide opportunities and require our community to take opportunities to connect with China and the world?
Under this unifying mission, both the long-term visionand the day-to-day practices become obvious. With a shared commitment to this mission, WAB’s future as a truly great school is assured.

Our Philosophy
The Western Academy of Beijing offers a challenging and caring, community-based educational environment in which students are active participants in the learning process. WAB fosters critical thinking and inquiry-based skills to ensure its students achieve to their full potential as individuals and as members of the global community. In this setting, students, staff and parents cooperate in the educational process guided by the following principles:
WAB Educates the Whole Child
The Western Academy of Beijing seeks to develop the intellectual, social and emotional, physical and aesthetic potential of each child. WAB students will learn how to analyze, synthesize and evaluate new situations, knowledge and rapidly changing technology with ease, confidence and creativity. WAB’s educational program provides students with a fundamental respect for the beliefs and values of other peoples, and will take full advantage of the culture of its host country, China.
WAB Champions its Staff
The staff teaches with an international perspective. They are selected for their professionalism, high qualifications, skills and creativity. Individual professional development is both supported and expected, while the School creates an atmosphere in which the staff member’s expertise and talents enrich the school community as a whole.
WAB Involves Parents
Parents are encouraged to participate as partners in the education of their children and in the continuing development of the School. The Western Academy of Beijing supports, respects and desires such an active role for parents.

Our Core Values
Learner Centered
Where all decisions are made and actions taken to enhance the lifelong learning process so that each member of the WAB Family is an inquiring, critical and purposeful Learner.
China-Global Coherence
Where we strive to nurture socially responsive global citizens bound together by China – the common thread woven throughout our diverse family mosaic.
Mosaic of Diversity
Where each makes unique and irreplaceable contributions that, when combined, create the WAB Family.
WAB Spirit (gōng hé)
Where with a spirit of commitment, enthusiasm and shared purpose, each member of the WAB Family contributes to the whole.
Where by valuing and respecting our environment, we sustain and nurture healthy relationships with and life-long responsibilities to self, family and the world.

IB Learner Profile
The aim of all IB Programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. As IB Learners we strive to be:
We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance.
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyze and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination; we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives – intellectual, physical and emotional – to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.