Program Overview

International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) Grades 6-10
The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) is one program of the IB continuum that, at WAB, also includes the Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) and Diploma Programme (IB DP). At WAB, IB MYP spans Grades 6–10 and includes Middle School (Grades 6-8) and High School (Grades 9-10). The IB MYP curriculum framework is flexible enough to allow teachers at WAB to adapt the content of their curriculum programs to incorporate WAB’s curriculum standards and benchmarks, the needs of the students and ‘real world’ connections to the local and global context. The IB MYP emphasizes the process of learning – helping students learn how to learn – while maintaining the integrity of the discrete subjects. It is a learner-centered program, based on a strong belief that effective global citizen students need to:
- Engaging (of interest to the students and involving them actively in their learning).
- Relevant (linked to the students’ experience and circumstances, as well as having relevance in the world beyond school).
- Challenging (extending prior knowledge and experiences to increase understanding).
- Significant (contributing to an understanding of the commonality of human experiences).
IB MYP Appropriateness to Young Adolescents
The IB MYP recognizes that students of this age group are in a particularly critical phase of personal and intellectual development. It recognizes that young adolescence is a time of uncertainty, sensitivity, resistance and questioning. The IB MYP seeks to provide young adolescents with an educational program that offers structure, skills and challenging standards, but also creativity and flexibility. IB MYP also strives to help students develop their own personal value system that will help guide their lives as thoughtful members of local and global communities.
IB MYP Curriculum Model
The IB MYP curriculum model has eight subject groups (figure 1), with equal curriculum time given to each subject. At the center of the model is the student, with the attributes of the IB Learner Profile (p16). In the model, the student is surrounded by approaches to teaching and learning that support inquiry. These approaches to inquiry are grounded in global contexts and conceptual understanding to facilitate real-world connections and deep understanding. The combining of these four aspects near the center emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of the model. The subjects around the edge of the model signify the shift from PYP’s transdisciplinary approach to discrete subjects with an interdisciplinary approach. The action, service and projects rings indicate some of the important outcomes of the program. The outer ring emphasizes the overall goal for all IB programs: international mindedness.
IB MYP Global Contexts
Global contexts direct learning toward independent and shared inquiry into our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet. Using the world as the broadest context for learning, our aim is to construct meaningful explorations into:
- Identities and relationships
- Orientation in space and time
- Personal and cultural expression
- Scientific and technical innovation
- Globalization and sustainability
- Fairness and development

IB MYP MS Subjects
The IB MYP organizes teaching and learning through eight subject groups: Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, Arts, Physical and Health Education, and Design. All students in the Middle School study the following:
Language & Literature
In this course, students develop an appreciation of both language and literature – the many influences, the power and the beauty. The course encourages and enables students to develop a range of language skills and use them for a variety of purposes in different contexts. To facilitate this development, students engage with and analyze a range of literary and non-literary texts to construct critical, creative and personal approaches to them. As the language of instruction at WAB is English, students take this course in English, though it is also offered in Chinese for Chinese proficient learners during the languages time.
Language Acquisition
IB MYP Language Acquisition courses are designed for people who are developing competency in a language. In this subject, students focus on: comprehending spoken, written and visual texts; communicating in response to spoken, written and visual text; and using language in spoken and written form. Learners are placed on a continuum of phases (from 1-6) for an appropriately challenging course placement. At WAB, the Language Acquisition options are English, Mandarin, French and Spanish. Some of these can be studied as a ninth course, as part of the After-school Languages Program (ALP). Please see the Language Policy document for more details.
In addition to developing the mathematical knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to pursue further studies, IB MYP Mathematics aims to develop conceptual understanding as well as confidence, perseverance and independence in mathematical thinking and problem-solving in a variety of contexts. Students are called upon to reflect critically and communicate clearly about real-world situations and the impact of mathematics in understanding these.
IB MYP Sciences develops students who understand and appreciate science as a human endeavor with benefits and limitations. The subject cultivates analytical, inquiring minds that question, solve, explain and evaluate. Students develop the skills of scientific investigation, sensitivity to global environments, and a capacity for making reflective, informed choices. In Middle School, students study physics, chemistry, biology and earth science as one integrated subject.
Physical and Health Education
IB MYP Physical and Health Education focuses on both learning about and learning through physical activity. The course empowers students to understand and appreciate the value of being physically active and to develop the motivation for making healthy life choices. It fosters the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will contribute to a student’s balanced and healthy lifestyle.
Individuals and Societies
IB MYP Individuals and Societies encourages learners to respect and understand the world around them and equips them with the necessary skills to inquire into historical, contemporary, geographical, political, social, economic, religious, technological and cultural factors that have an impact on individuals, societies and environments. It encourages learners to consider both local and global contexts. The course is an integrated one that combines the subjects traditionally studied in the disciplines of humanities and social sciences.
IB MYP Design seeks to develop students’ knowledge, understanding and skills necessary to design and create solutions to problems, using the design cycle. In addition, students learn to use and apply technology effectively to create solutions and solve problems, as they also develop an appreciation of design innovations and their impact. To these ends, Middle School students study Information Digital Design and Product Design.
In IB MYP Arts, students have opportunities to function as artists, as well as learners of the arts. Students develop through creating, performing and presenting arts in ways that engage and convey feelings, experiences and ideas. It is through this practice that students acquire new skills and master those skills developed in prior learning. Middle School students experience two of the arts every year. The course follows three rotations per year, starting with two of these disciplines (Music, Visual Arts and Theater) and culminating with a celebration of the arts, MADFest.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)
All Middle School students take part in social and emotional learning classes offered three times a week. The curriculum is designed by the Student Welfare Team and delivered by the mentors. Mentors develop intentional, developmental relationships to support students to achieve academic success, strengthen social and emotional health and reinforce well-being. This program complements the philosophy of educating the whole child. The key focus of the program is on teaching age-appropriate social and emotional competencies in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Middle School is a time of change and transitions, and at WAB we aim to make this process as enjoyable and purposeful as possible, for our students and their parents. Throughout the year, we provide parent information sessions and workshops on how we support transitions from ES to MS, and from MS to HS. These include academic, physical and social-emotional transitions.
Grade 8 Celebration
Each year in June, Grade 8 students take part in the Grade 8 Celebration Ceremony. This event is student-led and is a meaningful way to celebrate their Middle School transformation to High School independence. This ceremony is an important “rite of passage” for our transiting students and parents.

China Studies Trips
China Studies Trips are an integral part of fulfilling WAB’s emphasis on learning the language and culture of China. In addition to subject-specific day trips, Middle School students participate in a China Studies Trip. WAB aims to create opportunities that are meaningful and diverse enough for all students to engage positively and authentically within the local communities. Student participation in these field trips is part of the curriculum, compulsory and paid for by the school.
Aims of the China Studies Field Trips
- To enhance the school curriculum by providing opportunities to apply knowledge gained in the classroom in real situations
- To broaden the students’ experience of China and to improve the students’ understanding and awareness of Chinese culture, geography and history
- To foster a sense of community and sharing
- To foster both teacher-student and student-student developmentally-appropriate relationships and to provide an opportunity for sharing companionship and support within an environment different from daily school life
- To develop environmental and/or cultural awareness
- To foster the enjoyment that comes with exploring new environments, being involved in new activities and being part of a secure “alternative family”

WAB Wild Trips
WAB Wild offers MS students an outdoor education experience in Grades 6–8. Through this three-year program, students gain competencies in navigation, radio communication, first aid, kayaking, canoeing, rock-climbing and abseiling.
WAB Wild has a very strong environmental focus and this challenges students to think and reflect on how we interact with the natural environment. We use the program’s wilderness context to pose environmental challenges and heighten students’ awareness of the global issues that face the planet.
Insurance during Field Trips
It is an expectation that students have individual medical insurance coverage for all school trips, including the China Studies and the WAB Wild trips.