Middle School Expectations

Middle School Expectations

At WAB our goal is to provide a quality education for all students and a supportive school environment that promotes responsibility. In the Middle School we publicly recognize and celebrate student achievements and behaviors.

Respect Yourself

WAB provides a supportive learning environment that encourages all students to be successful, confident and independent learners.

  • Have the correct books/equipment for lessons and activities

  • Attend regularly, arrive on time and organize your time effectively

  • Work conscientiously

  • Organize your home learning records effectively

  • Complete and submit assignments, projects, and home learning tasks on time

  • Keep your workspace, bags and lockers organized

  • Wear appropriate clothing for school and activities

  • Eat healthy meals

  • Ensure you sleep full nights

Respect Others

WAB emphasizes care, effective communication and quality relationships based on respect for each other.

  • Respect other people’s rights, cultures, opinions, personal space and property

  • Respect relationships – your own and other people’s

  • Use appropriate public displays of affection at school and at school-related activities and events

  • Treat everybody (other students, teachers, support staff, bus monitors, trip chaperones, etc.) with politeness, courtesy and dignity

  • Always listen for understanding carefully

  • Use appropriate language

  • Work cooperatively and collaboratively

  • Follow academic integrity guidelines

WAB is committed to maintaining a discrimination-free and bullying-free learning environment. WAB takes a whole-school approach in addressing discriminatory and bullying behaviors by increasing awareness through community education, being proactive and responsive to reported discriminatory and bullying incidents, and increasing teacher understanding and competencies in the use of effective behavior-management strategies.

Respect the Environment

WAB provides a stimulating, high-tech and comfortable learning environment that allows all students to be and feel safe.

  • Take care when traveling around school – move carefully in the corridors and on the stairs

  • Keep our learning environment neat and tidy – clean up after yourself, push chairs in, put backpacks in lockers, etc.

  • Look after our physical environment – equipment, furnishings, buildings, campus and wider environment

  • Wear appropriate clothing for school and activities

  • Get permission before leaving the safety of the school campus

  • Dangerous items must not be brought to school

  • Tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and other harmful substances are not permitted

  • Offensive and pornographic materials are not permitted

Practice Responsibility and Kindness

WAB encourages us all to take responsibility for our actions and to be socially and to treat everyone with dignity.

  • Behave in a way that respects yourself, others and our environment

  • Encourage others to behave in a way that respects themselves, others and the environment

  • Use technology (e.g. computers, Internet, mobile phones, etc.) responsibly

  • Attempt to solve problems in a caring and responsible manner

  • Make a real effort to be kind and polite to others, respectful and inclusive of differences

  • Show high levels of respect and responsibility during all school-related activities and events

Consequences for not meeting Middle School Expectations

These lists are not exhaustive but serve as a guide to help establish consistency and understanding across the school. Each incident will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Level 1: Inappropriate Behaviors Level 1: Consequences

Level 1

Low-level, minor, infrequent behaviors that do not disturb others or interrupt teaching and learning of others
Logical, planned consequences


• Late/Unprepared for lesson
• Incomplete/unsatisfactory classwork
• Homework incomplete
• Inappropriate use of technology/equipment
• Unsuitable clothing
• Not cleaning up after one’s self


• Gentle reminder
• Logical consequence (e.g. leaving mess – tidy up, unsuitable clothing – change clothes)
• Apology letter/email/messages

Level 2: Inappropriate Behaviors Level 2: Consequences

Level 2

Repeated Level 1 behaviors, persistent behaviors that disrupt teaching and learning, or behaviors that disturb others
Planned team support which may involve teachers, parents, counselor, administration


• Disrespect/defiance
• Cheating/plagiarism/forging signature
• Offensive language
• Teasing
• Unsafe behavior/play
• Property damage/loss
• Inappropriate public displays of affection
• Irresponsible use of technology/equipment 
• Inappropriate bus behavior


• Apology letter/restitution
• Loss of privileges
• Capacity-building session
• Payment for damage/repair/replacement              
• Meet with Vice Principal orPrincipal
• Contracts/daily reports

Level 3: Inappropriate Behaviors Level 3: Consequences

Level 3

Repeated Level 2 behaviors, violent, dangerous or illegal behaviors
Planned team support which will include parents, teachers, counselor, admin and other support agencies as appropriate


• Dangerous/violent behavior (e.g. fighting)
• Verbal, written or physical bullying/harassing/threatening
• Using racist symbols, images, words or gestures
• Teasing others based on ethnicity, body size, gender identity, learning profile, religion, accents, etc.
• Leaving campus or skipping classes without permission
• Hacking devices
• Stealing or taking things without permission
• Possessing dangerous items (e.g. knives, lighters, matches, real/imitation firearms)
• Accessing dangerous, offensive or pornographic materials
• Possession or use of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or other harmful substances
• Engaging in obscene/sexual behavior
• Promoting the behaviors mentioned above


• In-school suspension
• Restitution
• Family conference
• Counseling
• Suspension

Our goal is to foster healthy relationships and to promote positive discipline. Instead of detention, we use capacity-building sessions. When conflict arises, the goal is to remain calm, de-escalate the situation and identify triggers.

Attendance Expectations

In order to grow as a learner, every student must be engaged in the important, ongoing learning activities of each class. A collaborative and inclusive learning community thrives on the understanding that each person has a responsibility to contribute as well as the right to belong. Attendance and punctuality ensure a complete experience for the individual student and for the entire class.

To that end, the WAB Middle School community has the following agreements:

Expectations of Students

  • Students will plan sufficient time to arrive at all classes punctually.

  • Students will arrive to check-in and every class at the time noted in the timetable.

Expectations of Teachers

  • Mentor teachers will record attendance every morning.

  • Teachers will record attendance every class.

  • Teachers will release students from class punctually.

  • Teachers will be consistent in addressing tardiness and absences.

  • Teachers will work with the family to minimize impact on student learning due to absence.

Expectations of Parents

  • Parents will inform MS Reception when a student will be absent or late to school.
  • Parents will provide medical certificates for absence of three consecutive days or more.
  • Parents will work with the school to ensure that non-essential student absences are kept to a minimum.
  • Parents will work with the school to reduce the impact on learning due to student absence.

Expectations of WAB

  • WAB will provide distinct, noted times when all classes and break times begin.

  • MS Reception will contact parents to clarify reasons for their child’s tardiness or absence.

  • Mentor teachers will contact parents regarding initial concerns about their child’s repeated tardiness or absence.

  • Middle School administration or designated person will contact parents regarding concerns about their child’s on-going tardiness or absence.


Learning at WAB is inquiry-based. IB MYP class activities and assignments are organized in a way that cannot always be replicated in a different context or at a later date. In the case of a student who has a documented acute or chronic medical condition requiring extended time away from school or in the case of family emergencies, teachers will provide key learning and/or assessment activities to minimize the impact on the learning due to the extended absences. Regular daily attendance is necessary and expected of all students. We urge parents to avoid non-essential absences due to convenience, travel or vacation during regularly scheduled school days – including days adjacent to weekends and school holidays.

  • Parents will telephone (5986 5588) or email Middle School Reception,
    by 8:30am to explain student absence.

  • In the case of student illness, the health of the individual and other students is WAB’s priority. In the case of contagious diseases, the student should not attend school until the contagious period is over.

  • In case of unavoidable absences, students will negotiate the submission of
    assignments and projects with their teachers to minimize impact on learning.

  • When a student is absent from school, s/he may not participate in ASAs, performances, sports or competitions on that day without prior approval.

How WAB Middle School Staff Respond to Absences

  • Reasons for absence will be recorded on PowerSchool.

  • Student attendance is recorded on PowerSchool and forms part of their permanent record.

  • Initial absence: MS Reception contacts home to ascertain the nature of the absence.

  • Repeated absence: mentor teachers contact parents to discuss impact on student learning.

  • On-going absence: parent and student meeting with school administration.


Tardiness is defined in WAB Middle School as arriving late for check-in or class. 

How WAB Middle School Faculty Respond to Tardiness

  • Tardy is entered on PowerSchool attendance.

  • Initial tardiness: teacher conversation with student regarding MS Expectations.

  • Repeated tardiness: teacher conversation with student regarding MS Expectations and logical consequences. As appropriate, mentor teacher contacts parents regarding concerns about repeated tardiness.

  • On-going tardiness: meeting with parents, student and school administration.

Dress Code

  • WAB does not require students to wear a school uniform, but does expect that dress adheres to the principles of respect, responsibility and kindness. Students are expected to dress appropriately and comfortably for an active day. Students should be neat and clean, dressed in a manner that reflects well on the school context. While what is appropriate may vary from person to person and culture to culture, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Skirts and shorts must be long enough to cover the full bottom at all times (even when moving), and must be visible under tops.

  • Tube tops and spaghetti straps are not acceptable.

  • Midriffs should not show excessive skin at all times (for example, no more than the length of a thumb).

  • Shirts and shorts are on at all times in public (for example, students should not take them off during sports games).

  • Students are provided with a basic PE kit for their PHE classes. Students must have an appropriate change of clothing and footwear for PHE classes.

  • Students are expected to wear closed shoes in sciences laboratories and design workshops as they may handle potentially hazardous, hot or otherwise dangerous materials or tools. An extra pair of shoes may be brought and left at school for this purpose.

    • Students should not wear clothing items that bear Inappropriate messages or are revealing or offensive.

      • Students who come to school wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change into something more appropriate. In some instances they will be given a T-shirt or shorts to wear.

      • Students are welcome to wear clothing they are comfortable in regardless of gender.

  • WAB accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to jewelry or other personal effects either on school premises or during school field trips. It is strongly recommended that students lock personal items in a locker .

  • When students are not meeting expectations, teachers will flag their concerns with one of the Student Welfare Team members and we will follow up with the student. Students who come to school wearing inappropriate clothing will be asked to change into something more appropriate for our context.

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is defined as:

  • The production of authentic work (i.e. based on one’s own ideas).

  • Respect for intellectual property.

  • Giving full credit to all sources used.

  • An understanding of the differences between collaboration and collusion.

  • Proper conduct in relation to all assessments.

Academic dishonesty has different forms and various terms, including:

  • Plagiarism is defined as the representation, intentionally or unwittingly, of the ideas, words or work of another person without proper, clear and explicit acknowledgment. The use of translated materials, unless
    indicated and acknowledged, is also considered plagiarism.

  • Collaboration is not a form of academic dishonesty if all members share equitably in the group and all work conforms to the academic honesty policy.

  • Collusion is defined as supporting academic misconduct by another student, for example allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another.

  • Duplication of work is defined as the presentation of the same work for different assessment components.

  • Falsification by using false or inventing fictitious data for an assignment 

  • Use of essay-writing services (including ghost-written or purchased essays) offering assistance in writing essays or other assessment materials (International Baccalaureate Organization, Academic Honesty in the IB Educational Context).

Expectations and Responsibilities

WAB Students Will:

  • Ask for clarification if uncertain about how to appropriately include and cite others’ work or any aspect of academic honesty.

  • Recognize expectations and responsibilities with regard to producing authentic work.

  • Be purposeful when citing/referencing all sources (printed or media etc.) used.

  • Use online and digital resources legally, ethically and responsibly.

  • Be mindful of the consequences for academic dishonesty.

  • Understand their role and responsibilities when working collaboratively

  • Cite all sources using NoodleTools according to the MLA8 method.

WAB teachers, librarians, administrators and educational assistants Will:

  • Explicitly teach students how to properly cite others’ works within their own original works.

  • Make citation tools such as NoodleTools and information on citation available to students

  • Teach awareness of misconduct and academic honesty procedures.

  • Value the learning of academic honesty best practice.

  • Model good academic practice in all presentations and resources.

  • Create authentic tasks in a learning environment that values original work.

  • Proactively monitor students’ work habits to guide academically honest practices.

  • Continuously evaluate students’ work and take appropriate restorative action when academic dishonesty has occurred.

  • Explicitly include academic honesty in assessments.

  • Middle school mentors will share the student version of the academic honesty policy with parents at the commencement of the year.

WAB Administrators Will:

  • Communicate the academic honesty policy with all stakeholders.

  • Provide professional development for teachers in academic honesty best  practices.

  • Support teachers in following through with the procedures and protocol of the academic honesty policy.

WAB Parents /  Gardians Will:

  • Read and discuss academically honest behavior as outlined in this AHP sent home with their child(ren) and return a signed copy to the Middle School

  • Support their child(ren) to organize and manage their academic tasks in an ethical and timely manner.

  • Support their child(ren) as they strive to follow academically honest practice.

Procedure and Protocol

  1. To ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the Academic Honesty policy, the policy will be located in the Parent & Student Handbook

  2. When Academic Dishonesty is suspected, an incident will first be seen as a symptom of the student lacking the skills and understanding to complete the task in their own words, following our academic integrity expectations. Evidence of any academic dishonesty incidents provides the opportunity for teachers to establish student needs and target the particular skills that will set our students up for successful and transparent learning. WAB will work to ensure the issue is remedied in a fair, timely and consistent manner, and in accordance with this policy. 


If a teacher has evidence that an incident of academic misconduct has occurred, then the student may be subject to the following, depending on the nature and extent of the incident: 

First Incident

  1. The student will be given a verbal warning and given assistance in developing the skills and strategies for principled action.

  2. The assignment in question will be returned to the student, and the student will rewrite the assignment (using a different topic where appropriate) and, if deemed appropriate, under the direct supervision of a teacher at lunch time or after school as required.

  3. When re-submitted, the work will be graded as normal. Students therefore will learn the required material and demonstrate new understanding.

  4. The teacher will notify the administrative team and head of department and inform the parents/guardians of the situation.

Repeated Incidents

  1. Steps 1-4 as stated above

  2. The student and their parents/guardians must attend a meeting with a member of the administrative team, teacher and counsellor. 

  3. A contract dealing with Academic Honesty will be agreed upon.

Caring, Supportive and Save Environment at WAB

WAB has always been a school which has placed great importance on providing a caring and supportive environment. Each school section is designed to provide a people-friendly community environment, which is welcoming, promotes social interchange and supports learning and study. Faculty members are visible and accessible and a range of support staff and pastoral care programs provide support to our student community. All members of the WAB community are expected to positively contribute to this environment by respecting, caring and supporting each other and the physical and virtual environments. This also extends to respect and courtesy for all support and service staff, who are also members of the WAB community.

WAB believes that it is important that all faculty, students and parents model respectful and caring behavior and attitudes. This also extends to a healthy and safe environment and lifestyle. Students are expected to respect and maintain their own property, that of others and the school. Personal lockers, casual lockers and changing room lockers are provided for personal property and valuables including mobile phones, laptops, music players, ID cards and cash, which should not be left in public spaces.

All public areas are equipped with Closed Circuit Television. Students are expected to follow the laws of China including those relating to theft, illegal substances and drugs. Students should not use illegal substances or drugs at school or in personal time. While WAB provides support services to students and families who may deal with issues of drug experimentation or the use or abuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco, it has very specific expectations and consequences in relation to these. WAB also expects all students to be aware of the expectations and responsibilities of being a member of the WAB community, including the consequences in relation to theft and the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.