Keeping Orgainized
Homework Guidelines
The Western Academy of Beijing strives to assist all students to meet their academic potential. The accomplishment of this goal requires a team approach by students, parents and teachers. WAB Middle School strives to provide meaningful homework for all students. Our teachers will therefore give these kinds of homework:
- Application: to further apply concepts learned in class (e.g. review class notes; complete mathematics problems, perform an experiment in the kitchen)
- Extension: to think more deeply about questions that matter (e.g. discuss an issue with a parent; read an article about a topic discussed in class)
- Creative Work: to use imagination or original ideas (e.g. generate a variety of designs)
- Preparation: to get ready for particular learning or assessment activities (e.g. complete a graphic organizer for a writing task; study for an assessment)
The amount and type of homework will depend upon subjects and grade level of the student. Students may spend about one hour each night completing homework.
Homework could result from a student’s misuse of class time. This unfinished work will be done outside of class time, which could include lunch times, Day 9 workshops and after school.
Time Management
At times, students will be assigned major projects that will require effective organization over an extended period. Students are provided with a Student Planner as an organizational tool. Students are expected to organize their workload in a manner that will permit them to complete other short-term assignments and study for assessments.
Parents can help by reminding students not to leave home learning tasks until the last minute.
The completion of home learning is the student’s responsibility. Ideally, parents should provide the structure, setting and encouragement needed to enable their child to be successful with home learning.

Middle School Student Planner
Every Middle School student is given a Student Planner. This Student Planner is intended to assist students in organizing their time and studies. It can also support communication between teachers and parents. To help students in organizing their time and studies, parents are asked to review their child’s planner with their child. Mentor teachers will also review students’ planners each week in Grade 6. As the students progress through Grades 7 & 8, their level of independence is expected to increase.
Late Submission of Tasks
When assigning tasks, teachers give consideration to the amount of time required and attempt to provide sufficient advanced notice to enable students to organize their commitments. Students who are absent on the due date for an assignment, or on the day of a test, are required to complete the assignment or test as soon as possible after he or she returns, unless otherwise negotiated with the subject teacher. Late submission of tasks is first seen as a symptom of the student lacking the necessary organizational and/or time-management skills. Teachers will work with students to improve organization and time-management skills and ensure that all key assignments are completed and submitted.

Resources and Supplies
All subject classes at WAB are supported by resources, laboratory supplies and materials to enhance teaching and learning. Students are able to check out some of these resources through the library automated cataloguing system. Books are recorded as being issued to individual students and, upon return of the same book, responsibility for the book is erased from the record system. Students will be charged for lost, water-damaged or vandalized resources. All accounts, including those for lost items, must be cleared prior to a transcript being issued.
Physical and Health Education Sports Wear
Students are required to change into active sportswear for Physical and Health Education classes. Each student is provided with a basic PE Kit at the beginning of the year (2 pairs of shorts & 2 T-shirts). All WAB students can buy additional sportswear at the Tiger’s Den in the ES building.

All students are provided with their own locker. Students are strongly advised to ensure valuables are kept in their locker and that lockers remain locked at all times. Students who have lost their Smartcards may purchase a replacement card from the office. Students are asked NOT to share lockers.
Personal Items at School
Middle School students may bring personal items to school (including mobile phones). However:
- All personal items brought to school must be used appropriately and should only be brought to class with teacher permission.
- WAB does not assume responsibility for any loss of personal items.
- Mobile phones must be “away for the day” in students’ lockers.
Lost Property
Lost property is managed by the Security Department. Lost items are transferred to the “Lost & Found” cabinet in the HUB Link. When lost and found items accumulate, they are laid out for students to see. Periodic announcements in WAB Weekly and in Teams remind students to collect lost items. Unclaimed items are then given to charity. Please label your child(ren)’s belongings and WAB will do its best to return lost items. Valuables are kept at the Middle School Reception or turned over to security. WAB takes no responsibility for lost or unclaimed goods.
Class Schedule and Block Rotations
The Middle School timetable operates on a nine-day rotating schedule. Student instruction in each subject is, therefore, spread evenly across the day and throughout the weeks. No single subject receives instruction either exclusively in the morning or afternoon. Therefore, each student’s optimal learning hours are spread evenly across subjects. The day begins with a 10-minute check-in, each instructional period is 70 minutes in length, and each Flex-Block is 40 minutes in length. On Day 9, the blocks are individualized.

The Flex-Block allows for social emotional learning classes two or three times a week, time for assemblies, community engagement opportunities, special guests, WAB’s Extended Independent Reading Day (WEIRD), and meetings with mentor groups.