Assessment and REporting
IB MYP Assessment
Assessment in the IB MYP is criterion-related. Each subject in the IB MYP has its own assessment criteria that are grade-level and task specific, and based on core learning aims and objectives for that subject. The use of criterion-related assessment compares student achievement with pre-determined criteria and not to the performance of other students. Over time, by engaging students in their own assessment, learning standards are maintained or raised. Students use the criteria to clarify their subject/task goals, reflect on their performance and establish a sense of progress. Teachers apply these same criteria when assessing student work. Supplementary parent information about assessment and reporting is available through the MS Curriculum Coordinator. Parents are also encouraged to attend parent workshops on assessment held throughout the academic year.
IB MYP Assessment Criteria
Throughout all five years of the IB MYP, knowledge and skills are assessed through criteria specifically designed for each subject. Each subject has four criteria, and achievement on each criterion is assigned a number from 1 to 8 (Table 3). An individual task is usually designed to measure multiple criteria within a subject.
In addition, an interim overall level of achievement for each subject is given at the end of semester 1; a final overall level of achievement is given for each course in June. The overall level of achievement uses a scale of 1-7 (Table 4).

Reporting Procedures and Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences (PSTC)
Reporting on student progress takes place regularly via teacher updates on PowerSchool’s Gradebook. In addition to providing valuable feedback to students, a schedule of regular reports ensures parents remain informed about student progress. Teachers also contact parents by email or telephone to report on student achievement or to inform parents of changes in student progress. All achievement reports are published online in PowerSchool.
Reporting Cycle Throughout the Year
Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences: November
Conferences for parents, students and teachers to discuss initial findings, goal setting and key strategies for improvement will be scheduled after completion of Interim Reports.
Mid-Year Report: January/February
This extensive report is published online in PowerSchool. It includes achievement levels for each of the subject criteria and approaches to learning (ATL) skills as well as an interim overall level of achievement for each subject. It also includes comments for each subject.
Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences: February
Conferences for parents, students and teachers to discuss student growth and next steps will be scheduled shortly after publication of the Mid-Year Report.
End of Year Report: June
This extensive report is published online in PowerSchool. It includes achievement levels for each of the subject criteria and approaches to learning (ATL) skills, as well as a final overall level of achievement for each subject. It also includes comments for each subject.
MAP® Growth™
MAP® Growth™ measures what students know and informs what they’re ready to learn next. By dynamically adjusting to each student’s responses, MAP® Growth™ creates a personalized assessment experience that accurately measures performance. MAP® Growth™ provides timely and immediate feedback to inform student’s progress and instruction.
MAP® Growth™ measures growth and proficiency, and provides insights to help tailor instruction. MAP® Growth™ focuses on student growth over time while measured against international standards. MAP® Growth™ provides teachers and parents with concrete, timely feedback that guides instruction and next steps. Instruction can be personalized based on student’s assessment results. Grade 3-10 students at WAB participate in the MAP testing. WAB will used MAP Growth to assess students in Mathematics, Readings and Language. Each assessment takes approximately 50 minutes however it is not timed.
Promotion Policy
Middle School students are enrolled in all courses at the same grade level (either Grade 6, 7 or 8). To meet individual students’ needs, learning activities will be differentiated as appropriate.
Where learning differences are identified and documented, a student may be placed on an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) and receive support from a Learning Support teacher as appropriate. Questions on retention for any reason will only be considered on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with the child’s parents and the Student Study Team (Middle School Senior Educational Leadership Team, counselor, nurse, subject teachers and relevant Student Support teachers). Only in exceptional cases will retention or additional grade advancement be considered.
Families should notify the WAB Admissions Office immediately upon confirming they will be withdrawing from WAB. A minimum of a two-week notice is required to ensure that all documentation can be arranged to assist students in their transfer to another school. All student requests for documentation including letters of reference from WAB should be made to the Middle School Counselor and/or Middle School Reception who will work with teachers, counselors and administrators to complete the requested documents. Students must complete a School Leaving Form (available from the Middle School Reception) that verifies that all materials on loan from the school have been returned. This process must be completed prior to the final day of attendance at WAB. Once this process is complete, the student file will be forwarded to Admissions for settling of all accounts and final withdrawal procedures.